2012 AIEF Tertiary Experience Day QLD

On Wednesday, 24 October 2012 AIEF organised an AIEF Tertiary Experience Day for eight Indigenous students from AIEF Partner Schools in Brisbane. The program is designed to prepare senior students for their tertiary studies and present a range of opportunities available to them.

The students visited The Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University and The University of Queensland. Each visit included tours of the universities' Indigenous education units and some residential colleges such as King’s College, Women’s College and Emmanuel College. The students met university and college staff and also had a chance to speak to an Indigenous student residing at the college about his experiences.

For the students, the day was a great eye-opener as they gained great insights into university and college life and obtained invaluable information about the scholarships available within each college and university.

The Tertiary Experience Day is part of the AIEF Pathways Program, which prepares and supports students in their transition from school into further study, training or employment and beyond, leading into productive and fulfilling careers.

25 Oct 2012