AIEF Outward Bound Experience 2012

From 30 September to 6 October 2012, 18 AIEF students in Year 8, 9 and 10 were selected to attend a seven-day outdoor camp in Namadgi National Park in ACT as part of the AIEF Outward Bound Experience, supported by AIEF’s and Outward Bound’s corporate partner, The Trust Company as Trustee for the Fred P. Archer Charitable Trust. The program included a journey-based expedition that saw students trek through the national park, participate in rock climbing, abseiling and ropes course activities and a series of physical and mental challenges that aim to empower them to realise they are capable of more than they may think.

The physical, mental and emotional challenges overcome by the students on the camp help build resilience, self-confidence and leadership. Without the distractions of mobile phones, television or internet the students had great opportunities for reflection and goal-setting. This activity is part of the AIEF Skills Development Program which prepares Indigenous students for life post-school and assists their transition into productive and fulfilling careers.

The students were joined by three supervising adults, Jarrod Myers (AIEF Mentor Manager), Yvonne O’Neill (Head of Indigenous Education at AIEF Partner School, St Joseph’s Nudgee College) and Matthew Prockter (Investment Adviser at The Trust Company).

14 Jan 2014