ADF Exercise First Look

From 6 to 7 November 2014, 21 AIEF students in Years 10 -12 participated in the Australian Defence Force Exercise First Look in Canberra and Wagga Wagga.

Students and supervisors from eight AIEF Partner Schools participated in the program alongside AIEF Alum, Private Robert Thatcher.

The exercise included tours and activities at the Australian Defence Force Academy, the Royal Military College – Duntroon and the Army Recruit Training Centre Kapooka designed to introduce students to the range of training and career opportunities available in the Australian Defence Force. Over the course of the program, students completed an over-water obstacle course, enjoyed a Black Hawk helicopter ride around Canberra, attended information sessions about recruitment and careers and tested their skills at a simulated rifle range. Students also had the opportunity to meet the Chief of Army, Lieutenant General David Morrison, and Army Indigenous Recruitment Officers from NSW and QLD.

Photos by AIEF, Bryan Carswell and the Department of Defence

10 Nov 2014