During the week of 16-21 June, 21 AIEF students joined other Indigenous students from across Australia in Canberra to participate in the fourth Learn Earn Legend! Work Exposure in Government Program. Learn Earn Legend! provides Indigenous students in Years 11 and 12 with hands-on experience about public sector career options after secondary school and expands their horizons about the diverse career opportunities and pathways available in the public service. Students experienced life in a Parliamentary office hands-on when they spent a day with a parliamentarian and their staff, watched Question Time and toured Parliament House. They also participated in work exposure in Australian Government departments, had the opportunity to sightsee Canberra and to get to know each other throughout the week. Students commented that “this week has really made me have an interest in politics” and “it was an amazing experience. Wish we could do something like that again.” AIEF is proud to partner with DEEWR to co-organise and run the Learn Earn Legend! Program in its fourth year.

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