Australian Indigenous Education Foundation
Suite 2A, Level 2
2-12 Foveaux Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia
View the location on Google maps
T (02) 8373 8000
F (02) 8373 8001
ABN 13 127 908 187
Details the outcomes and impact of AIEF’s programs for individual students, their families, schools and the wider community.
A one-hour special documentary, Changing Our Nation follows the lives of five AIEF Scholarship Students.
Your investment will help more Indigenous students access world-class education and careers.
AIEF recognises Indigenous students for their commitment to improving their own lives and providing leadership within their communities.
Australian Indigenous Education Foundation
Suite 2A, Level 2
2-12 Foveaux Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010
T (02) 8373 8000
F (02) 8373 8001
ABN 13 127 908 187