An online community where professionals can share knowledge and
collaborate to develop best practices outlined in the AIEF Compendium.
An online community where professionals can share knowledge and
collaborate to develop best practices outlined in the AIEF Compendium.
An independent evaluation detailing the outcomes and impact of AIEF’s programs for individual students, their families, schools and the wider community.
A summary of the findings of the KPMG Outcomes and Evaluation Report.
A one-hour special documentary, Changing Our Nation follows the lives of five AIEF Scholarship Students.
Information about The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Study Assistance Scheme.
My School is an Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) information service and provides profiles of almost 10,000 Australian schools.
This website is designed to connect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with Australian Government policies and programs.
The 2020 Closing the Gap report to Parliament outlines progress made towards targets in education for Indigenous Australians.
The Tertiary Institutions Service Centre processes undergraduate applications for admission to UWA, Curtin, Edith Cowan and Murdoch Universities.
The Universities Admissions Centre processes applications for undergraduate, diploma and postgraduate courses, Educational Access Schemes, the Special Tertiary Admissions Test and Equity Scholarships at participating Australian institutions (mainly in New South Wales).
QTAC processes applications for the majority of undergraduate courses at Queensland universities, Medicine at Bond University, some courses at universities in Northern NSW and private tertiary education providers, as well as courses at the Australian Maritime College in Tasmania, TAFE QLD and the Southbank Institute of Technology.
The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) is the central office that administers the application processes for places in tertiary courses, scholarships and special entry access schemes at university, TAFE and independent tertiary colleges in Victoria (and a few outside Victoria).
Your investment will help more Indigenous students access world-class education and careers.
I support AIEF because they ensure educational equity and achieve astonishingly good outcomes for thousands of young Indigenous people who want a better life.
Australian Indigenous Education Foundation
Suite 2A, Level 2
2-12 Foveaux Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010
T (02) 8373 8000
F (02) 8373 8001
ABN 13 127 908 187