St Vincent’s College, Potts Point offers AIEF Scholarships for boarding students.
2023 has been a year of great involvement for our First Nations students who benefit from AIEF’s program of support.
The contribution of our Indigenous Mentor, Ms Gemma Sentance, Wiradjuri woman and ex-Student of the College, was met with great excitement by the students. They come together weekly and engage in good conversation in a supportive environment. They shared afternoon tea together and gentle activities such as painting their story, sharing feelings of home, and dreaming about what contribution they feel they are able to make to the world now and in the future. Gemma’s expertise in culture and care for adolescents was greatly appreciated. Gemma has now taken a temporary break from the role as she pursues her PhD in Law, specialising in the intersection of Indigenous youth and the legal system. For our girls, simply knowing that a highly accomplished Wiradjuri woman is interested in them and their progress has been very positive. Because of Gemma’s influence, they want to achieve more.
Our students shared their stories of kinship and family as part of our Sorry Day ceremony. Many who previously expressed reluctance to lead were able to step up with pride and mastery. This showed great generosity and courage. A highlight was Annabelle’s sharing of cultural artefacts from home with the College Community. She was able to express the importance of family through these artefacts and share her understanding of the wisdom of ancestors with the College Community. This is incredibly important for the whole community as we continue to listen and to learn.
The referendum was a difficult space to navigate this year. We did not articulate an official position in this arena which was considered by many as a political issue rather than a justice issue. We took the opportunity to educate our student body about the Constitution and the nature of a referendum. We also invited our College Community to attend an information night in North Sydney where two constitutional experts presented arguments for and against the passing of the referendum.
Year 9 students engaged in an immersion experience on Wilyakali Country, around Broken Hill. Here they spent time on Country with local Elders, listening and learning. The experience will inform how this cohort responds to future learning experiences. We are hopeful that this will help them to listen more carefully and seek wisdom from Elders when they are given the opportunity.
Our Dean of Middle Secondary completed a staff scholarship program focusing on First Nations culture and education. His participation at Gama Festival gave him the opportunity to network with numerous Elders and gain a deeper understanding of connection to Country. He has brought this learning and experience back to the College for the benefit of the entire community and shares his knowledge with great sensitivity.
AIEF facilitates the boarding of students from across the state, inter-state and a small number of local students. Each has such a unique story to share, with unique needs and goals which we aim to hear and help shape. We look forward to Sorry Day next year. We hope that Professor Megan Davis will join us for our ceremony, where we focus again on the Uluru Statement from the Heart and what it means for the First Nations community and our nation.
This year, Amy graduated after six years at the College. Amy’s strength and resilience is a credit to her and her family. She was very proud to attend AIEF’s Graduation Ceremony and enjoyed meeting other young Indigenous leaders.
St Vincent’s College is very proud to have partnered with AIEF in 2023 in the education and formation of emerging First Nations Leaders.
Your investment will help more Indigenous students access world-class education and careers.
AIEF has changed my life in ways I never could have imagined and it is all because you started a foundation that aimed to give me and other Indigenous kids a chance to get an amazing education.
Australian Indigenous Education Foundation
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